Posts Tagged With: international university

A Bridge To Your Future

My World Foundation wants to build a bridge to your future!

The benefits of cultural exchange programs are widely known – students can experience everyday life in America while sharing a safe, comfortable home with a fully background-checked and experienced American “host family.” Moreover, Georgian students can attend the top public or private American high schools for one semester, one year, or even two years to receive an American diploma. My World Foundation also offers intensive English-language summer camps in the US and Canada, opportunities to attend high school in Europe, and training programs for professionals.

Universities in Europe and the US

Not only is this experience a fun and exciting adventure, but the cultural exchange experience is also extremely beneficial to Georgian students who hope to gain acceptance to the most prestigious universities in the US and Europe. Native-level fluency in English, proven ability to excel in the American high school curriculum, and most importantly, the maturity and global perspective evident among students who have lived abroad during high school truly sets cultural exchange participants apart from other international applicants to the top universities. In Georgia, there are few opportunities to study in the United States – scholarships are rare and extremely selective. Therefore, My World Foundation has created myriad opportunities for Georgia’s top high school students, who have studied English and are ready to experience the American culture and embark on the next step to their future at an international university.

Culture and Language Immersion

The cultural exchange experience offered through My World Foundation extends beyond the academic year or summer program – indeed, My World Foundation programs give motivated and ambitious students comprehensive preparation for America’s most prestigious universities. The experiences of this cultural exchange endow participants with a global perspective that truly sets them apart. Linguistic and cultural immersion combine to provide a new dimension to the rigorous education, enabling students to succeed inside and outside the classroom. We shrink the globe for our clients. We open their futures. We turn the next generation into the beneficiaries of mankind’s progress.

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